-dance practitioner of movement and choreography
School projects ​
Norske koreografer produced by SANS ( Norwegians Choreographers)
DKS school productions
SANS Dance in education workshop
GDA School support project
ENB Learning and participation
Parents partnership, dance for special needs
Sadlers Wells, Go dance- Girls in physical education
Sadlers Wells, Space exchange
RAD Step into dance
Talk about teaching ( in norwegian)
competence-enhancing measures/ resource material
2021 "Veien inn i koreografi", Kulturskole ressurs
2021 "Tid for kroppslig læring" retake Digital meeting ved Musikk i skolen.
2019-2021 " Trygge voksne" dans for barn og personalet i barnehagen/ Kulturbarn prosjekt 0.8 Samarbeid mellom Kulturtanken, Kunst og kultur i opplæring og Kulturskolerådet
2020 "Tid for kroppslig læring! Leken og utforskende groove med dans og bevegelse" / Musikklærernes dag
2020 "Lærer rollen: Den performative pedagogen i dans- og teaterundervisning" / Kulturskoledagene
2012 "Norske Koreografer" Ressurshefte for skolelærere til undervisning i dans, produsert av SANS
2019 "En kroppslig erfaring i kunstnerisk kontekst- praktisk verksted" / Kroppsøvings konferansen
2019 "Up'nMove/ Kroppslig læring for ungdomskole" Marienlyst ungdomskole
2018 "AÌŠ observere/ se dans"
2018 "Kreativ dans som metode" / Kulturskoledagene
2016 "Dans og kreativitet" / Musikklærernes dag
2015 "Verktøy til kreativ prosess, Dans" / Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo

Et lite stykke kunst
Open words about culture and dance
As an artist I feel we need to talk about culture. I feel very passionate and at times overwhelmed about everything that has to do with dance in Culture. Culture is so much, it's everything we are. The culture around us has great impact on us and how we live our lives, but it's also important to remember that we shape the culture around us. Our decisions and how we behave, the choices we make are all part of the moulding of our culture, changing with time.
Dance is a part of culture, regardless of where we come from. Our moving body is core of communication: Through dance we connect to our body and to others in a more conscious way. Moving through space and time, a million possibilities of encounters to express ourselves.
But very often I feel the understanding of dance is this created definition of something that certain people do, and that we have to make space for in our society. How come, something so natural as moving to rhythm has become alienated, foreign and unimportant in our (parts of western) society and our culture today? Some people even refuse to dance, oppose to the idea of it.
We all dance as babies and if we were allowed and had the opportunity we would all dance through life, one way or the other.
I suppose the million dollar question is? What does dance do for us?
I believe that dance is a method of communication we should never loose nor forget. I believe it's important to nurture the understanding of what dance may be, and particularly give young children the experience of dance as something quite achievable, natural and fun. There is always a moment when nonverbal communication will be the best way to reach out by a simple touch, just being together or moving together. Stoping while someone moves, move when someone is stopping, moving with each other. Being present and aware in yourself and with others. Understanding just by being with each other.
I belive dance has the power to bring people together across culture, religion and origin.
So how can dance not matter?
These, and many more reasons are why I have engaged in community work, and particularly dance in schools
Annette is currently the chairman at SANS, Norway
Senter for dansepraksis ( SANS)
This organisation works for Dance in school. With content, delivery of work, political input and hearings, development of resource materiale and connecting dance teachers through training and competence development.